solutions Readiness Advisor

black shirtless athlete on track

daily, actionable insights for recovery

Answer just a few simple questions each day, then this free app will provide a daily Readiness score and advice on optimal training for the day. Also provides clear notifications when you are approaching potentially harmful or suboptimal training.

CoachView allows a coach to oversee a roster of athletes, easily optimizing their individual training programs. Readiness Advisor is also an important building block in a wide range of svexa products such as Ellida, Player Passport or IRMA.

take a look at how it works

Readiness Advisor ratings


Athletes enter their own ratings on a few simple questions each day, along with results of any specific performance tests. It just takes a few minutes.

Readiness Advisor summary


Svexa’s unique algorithms combine the athlete’s data and produce a daily Readiness score, with suggestions for optimal training or recovery.

Web version includes additional CoachView functionality – track and manage your roster easily in one place

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