Athletes at all levels often have a desire simply to get stronger. It may be to improve their performance in a related sport, to maintain fitness or simply to attain their preferred physique. They can buy some weights, hit the gym or perhaps hire a personal trainer, and there are many available apps that will suggest a training regime. However, those tools will typically provide only a generic plan, treating each athlete the same. Svexa’s Thrud product takes an entirely different approach, using sophisticated simulation to generate the optimal training plan based on each athlete’s unique strength training history and physiology. Thrud continues to learn and adapt plans as the athlete trains more.
Thrud is available for sports tech companies to license via a simple plug-and-play API, or as a tailored mobile/web app.
individualized, optimized, adaptive strength training
- Harmonise available data: svexa’s proprietary engine will bring together available data from many different sources, recalculating key metrics as needed for proper analysis
- Build athlete profile: Using all historic training info from connected devices or apps, we build a physiological model, their Digital Twin, to understand how the athlete responds to different types of strength training. We will also determine their recovery capacity and set a reasonable training load to prevent overtraining.
- Understand their goals: What is their overall aim, are they focused on particular muscle groups, what sort of event or milestone are they aiming for, over what timeframe?
- Generate Unique Training Plan: our algorithm simulates thousands of possible plans to determine which best fits the profile. The result is a tailored, personalized strength training plan that breaks down workouts and recovery day by day
- Align with Exercise Library: working with established strength training technology, svexa can mapp recommendations back to the existing list of available exercises
- Automatic Updates: as the athlete works out, our engine uses new training data to continually refine their personal profile and improve their training plan
- Flexible Implementation: plug-and-play API and mobile/web app for sports tech providers, or direct access for athletes and coaches