solutions Digital Twin

a combination of svexa products

svexa’s Digital Twin brings together two of our fundamental building block products. Firstly our Athlete Passport technology incorporates all available data sources to build a comprehensive picture of the individual’s unique response to training, and their recovery profile. With that in place, our Mimir engine can simulate millions of possible scenarios to generate the optimal recommendation for real humans based on their ‘digital twin’.

how it works


female runner looking at sports watch


Wearable technology provides continuous and non-invasive monitoring of physiological and lifestyle factors. Svexa incorporates this data into digital twins using deep domain knowledge in combination with computer models. Wearables allow for remote monitoring and can facilitate ongoing adjustments to the exercise programs in real-time. 

Daily training advice will be provided through the mobile application Athlete Advisor and training data and compliance will be assessed from the smartwatch data that is automatically fed to the cloud service.


ensuring accuracy

Our algorithms can predicted lactate threshold heart rate from wearable data with strong accuracy compared to actual lactate threshold heart rate measured in the laboratory

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