Nordic Sports Tech Panel – 7th March, 13:45 CET
If digital is the new normal, how can it contribute to increasing physical activity?
Physical inactivity is the fourth leading cause of death in the world. A significant part of the global population now have sedentary jobs and lifestyles. At the same time, today we are increasingly dependent on technology both during our free time, in our working life and at school. How does digitization affect the way we move and our activities? How can digital tools and solutions make more people, men and women, young and old, think that physical activity is fun and easy? What are the similarities and differences between digital and physical activities and how can we create the ultimate hybrid for the user and increase physical activity?
Svexa’s Director of Sports Tech & Innovation Stina Lundgren Högbom joins Johannes Hedlund, sustainable regional development strategist at Region Sörmland, and host Jakob Wikenstål, co-founder of Nordic Sports Tech. If you are near Gothenburg, come and join the conversation.