Anna Cruse MSU panel

Anna discusses the impact of AI in human performanace culture, at MSU Athlete Engineering Summit

Svexa Performance Scientist Anna Cruse recently participated as a panelist at the Athlete Engineering Summit at Mississippi State University. The theme of the 2024 conference was “Building a Human Performance Culture.” 

Anna’s panel focused on the topic “AI is quickly appearing everywhere: preparing human performance cultures for where AI is, where AI isn’t, and where AI should be to make a lasting competitive advantage impact.” Other panelists included Dr. Bill Burgos (Mississippi State University), Julien Blin (Upside), Paul Jones (The Ohio State University), David Chambers (Southwest Research Institute), & Sonya Rahmani & Maggie Corry (Booz | Allen | Hamilton).
The panelists discussed the future of human performance as tools based in AI continue to replace laboratory and field gold standards such as markered motion capture, force plates, and wearables. They considered how practitioners must be aware of what their field could look like in the coming years, and how it will take time for the adoption of AI to be trusted when making health and safety decisions. As a leader in the application of AI to human performance, this is a critical area of thinking for svexa as we roll out our profiling, recovery and training tools in an increasing variety of sectors.

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Athlete Engineering Summit

At the panel, attendees were invited to consider questions like this. We’d love to hear your thoughts, drop us a line any time on

  1. How are AI tools being used to replace more traditional human performance technologies, or being incorporated in the sector more broadly?
  2. How should we correctly talk about AI, differentiating it from basic datasets and algorithms?
  3. Where do we need AI the most in human performance?
  4. How far do we let AI go in making decisions with health and safety implications? Where does our trust end?
  5. What change will AI drive in the real world day to day work of human performance practitioners?
Anna Cruse

In addition to her role at svexa, Anna is Assistant Director – Applied Health & Performance Science at University of Utah. She has experience in applied health, performance science and data analytics, and a MSc from Temple University. Alongside her academic pursuits Anna is a decorated rower and coach, having placed seventh in the lightweight quadruple sculls in the 2017 World Rowing Under 23 Championships.

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