Svexa has been happy to support the Girls Gotta Run Foundation since 2019. This year we encourage everyone to join GGRF’s 2023 Global Pop-Up 5K Run for International Day of the Girl on October 11th by running, sharing your run using #IDG5K, and donating funds to support girl change-makers in Ethiopia!
Last year, you helped GGR reach their IDG fundraising goal of $10,000! Those funds were crucial to supporting GGR’s core mission of empowering girls to stay in school and avoid early marriage through running & education.
This year they have an even bigger goal for IDG, and are recruiting a global community of youth and adults to help GGRF Run to Empower! High School running teams in North America, Asia & Europe have already committed to take part. GGR also have several corporate partners and welcome participants from any “team” — you can run, walk, bike, or participate in any sport you enjoy! It’s easy to form a team – email and they will provide instructions.

It’s even easier to join us as a supporter — just click the link below to donate to the campaign, anytime between NOW and International Day of the Girl on October 11.